2016 Olympics in Brazil


The 2016 Summer Olympics are set to be hosted in Brazil. However, there are many controversies. Brazil is currently going through many problems, and people think they are unfit to host the Olympics this year. People think they currently need to focus on other issues. Some people also think it is too hazardous and poses a threat to the athletes.


First of all, the Zika virus is a current epidemic in Brazil. Scientists such as Amir Attaran say the Olympics should be postponed until Brazil gets the virus under control. However, the Olympics will be during the Winter in Brazil. This will greatly reduce the mosquito population. Despite this, there is still a risk the virus could spread worldwide.


Another concern is the current political/economic state of Brazil. President Dilma Rousseff was impeached. The current president, Michael Temer, said that Brazil is currently going through "the worst economic crisis" in its history. Brazil has eleven million unemployed, inflation problems, and many other issues. However, it is likely the political state will not significantly affect the games, and precautions are being made by police and the athletes themselves.
